The Graduate

Clint & Carson graduationCarson was born almost 18 years ago.   In many ways it feels like yesterday, and on the other hand I remember thinking in 1996 that a lifetime of responsibility had just begun.  The type of joy I felt upon his birth was such a rare surge of emotion, unparalleled throughout the course of daily life — but yesterday I felt that same pride and euphoria watching Carson reach a grand summit, closing one important chapter and taking a giant step into adulthood.   I’ve always been proud of him, but yesterday brought a whole new level of boastful joy.   Rachel and I are so happy for him… with childhood behind him, he can now concentrate on his personal independence and growth.  We will continue to watch, cheer and support him with great interest.   He cut a handsome figure walking across the stage to collect his diploma with honors.  I’ll take a moment to brag that Carson’s ACT score was the second highest among his 117 classmates, and higher than the valedictorian.  The thing I’m most proud of is Carson’s quality of character.   He has a big heart filled with kindness, but also has the grit to overcome adversity without any loss of compassion.  If there was a way for me to be more proud of him, I’m unaware of it.  Thank you to our families for your well wishes and having a positive impact on his life.  Here’s to Carson and the bright future ahead of him!  That’s my boy!!

Carson gradCarson grad walkReceiving diploma

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